Works On Paper

( 2000's )

Most of my works on paper from the 2000s are color studies painted on a single sheet of Braille paper gridded for charts and graphs.  For sheets presenting 100 cells in a 10 x 10 grid, I applied a base coat, in acrylic, followed by a randomized arrangement of 10 colors governed by the simple (occasionally exasperating!) rule that no color could repeat in any horizontal or vertical row.  With smaller grid sizes, like the 13 x 13 grid ofOn or About, or the 20 x 20 grid of In a Manner of Speaking, I often took a tonal approach, using graphite to emphasize themes of repetition instead of variation.

Floral Prototype, 2011 oil and acrylic on board 10 x 10 inches

Floral Prototype, 2011
oil and acrylic on board
10 x 10 inches